Szwajcarskie konto bankowe

Golden Valley Treasury Bank is regulated by the FDIC and Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a bank and a securities dealer with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
All deposits are insured up to CHF 100,000 per client in accordance with the Swiss legislation.

The Multi-Currency Account is available to persons over 14 years old. However, access to the full range of functions on the account is reserved for adults (18 years old and over). The account can be opened worldwide except for residents of the following countries / regions:

Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Crimea, Cuba, Comoros, Donetsk People's Republic, Iran, Japan, Luhansk People's Republic, Myanmar, Nagorny Karobakh, North Korea, Somalia, South Osetia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Russian Federation, Transnistria, United States of America, Venezuela, Yemen.

Otwarcie konta wielowalutowego jest bezpłatne.

Konta wielowalutowe z saldem poniżej 50 000 USD nie podlegają żadnym opłatom za utrzymanie. Konta przekraczające powyższy próg są obciążane opłatą w wysokości 0,4% w skali roku. Ponadto posiadacze kont wielowalutowych z saldem poniżej 5 Dukascoinów podlegają miesięcznej opłacie za utrzymanie w wysokości 1 EUR.

You can access a Multi-Currency Account through:

Otwieranie konta

To open Multi-Currency Account go to the Bank section and follow instructions described in a road-map. You will be required to fill out registration form, make an initial deposit and pass video-identification.

An account opening procedure, in total, usually takes several business days. Once your account is approved, you will receive an SMS notification and email.

To open an account you will need to have a document (passport / ID card) that contains a machine readable zone (MRZ) and visible security features. If your document does not contain MRZ zone and/or does not contain holographic signs you can send a certified copy of your document via regular post to our head office in Geneva.

There is no need to fill out a new registration form, just notify bank employee about it during the video-identification.

Please fill out registration form again.

Video-identification is a short video call with a bank employee that in accordance with a Swiss law represents a substitute of traditional face-to-face account opening procedure in bank premises.

Make sure that you have a stable internet connection, the mobile application is allowed to use camera and microphone and there are no other people near you. Once this is done, prepare your document (passport / ID card) with a machine readable zone (MRZ) and visible security features, write in the chat that you are ready and follow the instructions of the bank employee.

During the call you will be asked a number of clarifying questions and be taken a few photographs of you and your document. This whole procedure is needed confirm your identity, i.e. to make sure that the person opening an account is actually you.

By default, video-identification is being held in English. If you wish to pass video-identification in other language (French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Slovak and Ukrainian) leave a request in the chat to arrange with the bank employee an exact date and time of the call.

Please double-check that you have a stable internet connection and notify bank employee that you are ready to start again.

There is a need to wait a few business days for completion of the account opening. Once your account is approved you will receive an SMS notification and email.

To open trading account:

  • if you use web application, go to Investments section, press on Add trading account button and fill in the questionnaire.
  • if you use Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, press on Bank, then press on plus sign in the lower left corner and select Open trading account.

The option is available only if Multi-Currency Account's balance is equal to or greater than 1 000 USD.

Once the request is being processed you will be contacted by bank employee.

Moje konto

Multi-Currency Account can be accessed using three different means:

Golden Valley Treasury uses two-factor authentication (2FA), which means that apart from the password you need to know an additional one-time code to access your account.

Prosimy skontaktować się z naszym działem obsługi klienta: +1 (717) 759-9234; [email protected]

Jako alternatywę dla rachunku za media możesz przesłać korespondencję z organem państwa, która nie jest starsza niż 3 miesiące lub sprawdzić ID lub prawo jazdy, które mogą zawierać Twój adres.

Please indicate the data you want to update, the reason of the update and send us a corresponding request via chat or email.

Możesz znaleźć wypłaty, obciążenia oraz inne limity w sekcji “Opłaty i Limity” na stronie Golden Valley Treasury Bank.

Możesz znaleźć wypłaty, obciążenia oraz inne limity w sekcji “Opłaty i Limity” na stronie Golden Valley Treasury Bank.

VIP status is automatically assigned to Multi-Currency Account holders who also have trading account at Golden Valley Treasury Bank and whose trading turnover for the previous month has exceeded 1'000'000 USD.

The VIP status grants free Golden Valley Treasury card order and delivery as well as 0.1% commission for currency exchange.

The status is assigned for a month after which it is being automatically re-checked for meeting the above criteria.

To access your Multi-Currency Account you need to go through a two-step authentication, which consists of entering a password and security code.

Under no circumstance Golden Valley Treasury Bank employee or any other person can ask you disclose your password and security code.

A similar rule applies when you try to link payment card to your Multi-Currency Account. In certain circumstances Golden Valley Treasury Bank might ask you to a send photo of the card to make sure that you are the genuine cardholder.

However, the only data that Golden Valley Treasury Bank has a right to ask is (a) the first and last four digits of the card number and (b) name on the card.

Under no circumstance Golden Valley Treasury Bank employee or any other person can ask you to disclose your full card number and CVV/CVC code..

If a person contacts you (under any pretext) either in the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application or in any other external resource and asks to tell / send him your password, security code or card data, let us know about this case immediately.

Moje Konto

Kliknij swoje imię w górnym rogu i wybierz "Zmień hasło". Wpisz bieżące hasło i wybierz nową zgodnie z wymaganiami bezpieczeństwa.

Incoming quarterly limit defines the maximum amount of funds that can be deposited on your Multi-Currency Account within a quarter. The limit is not applied to transfers between your accounts within Golden Valley Treasury Group.

The size of the limit is determined at the stage of account opening based on two factors: (a) country of your residence and (b) your occupation status.

The limit is reset at the beginning of each new quarter: 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October.

Please note that the limit can be equally reached by one large transaction or by multiple small transactions.

Prosimy skontaktować się z naszym działem obsługi klienta: +1 (717) 759-9234; [email protected]

Jeśli korzystasz z aplikacji internetowej, naciśnij swoje imię i nazwisko w prawym górnym rogu, a następnie wybierz opcję Zwiększ limity.

Jeśli korzystasz z aplikacji mobilnej American Bank, naciśnij menu burgera, przejdź do sekcji Limity i naciśnij przycisk Zwiększ limity.

Jeśli korzystasz z aplikacji mobilnej Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101, kliknij Bank, naciśnij ikonę ustawienia w prawym górnym rogu i przejdź do Weryfikacja i limity< / i>.

Po złożeniu wniosku otrzymasz wiadomość e-mail ze szczegółowymi instrukcjami dotyczącymi dokumentów i informacji, które należy dostarczyć.

Po udzieleniu odpowiedzi Twoje dokumenty zostaną przetworzone przez pracownika działu Compliance, który podejmie decyzję o podwyższeniu limitów.

Generalnie, aby podnieść limity, bank musiałby poznać źródło twoich dochodów i otrzymać dokumenty pokazujące wielkość tych dochodów oraz fakt, że są one regularnie otrzymywane.

  • Osoby zatrudnione mogą dostarczyć odcinki wypłat lub wyciągi bankowe z wypłatą wynagrodzenia. Alternatywnie można również przedłożyć umowę zatrudnienia.
  • Osoby prowadzące działalność na własny rachunek / wykonujące wolny zawód muszą przesłać dokument wydany przez odpowiednią agencję w ich kraju, potwierdzający, że są oficjalnie zarejestrowani jako osoby samozatrudnione. Dokument ten powinien być uzupełniony wyciągiem bankowym, deklaracją podatkową lub innym dokumentem, który pozwoliłby obliczyć średni miesięczny dochód z ostatnich sześciu miesięcy.
  • Osoby, które nie uzyskują żadnych regularnych dochodów, mogą również zostać uwzględnione w podniesieniu limitu, jeśli uda im się dostarczyć dokumenty dotyczące dochodów osoby/osób, które je utrzymują

Jednorazowy przelew dużej kwoty (np. oszczędności z innego banku, środki ze sprzedaży nieruchomości, opłata za uniwersytet, itp.) w niektórych przypadkach może zostać zaakceptowany poza limitem.

Przed dokonaniem takiej płatności prosimy jednak o wyjaśnienie, w jaki sposób ta kwota została uzyskana i przedstawienie na to dowodu (np. umowa sprzedaży nieruchomości, faktura z uczelni itp.)

W tym celu należy skontaktować się z działem obsługi klienta: [email protected]


General information

Środki mogą być wpłacane / wypłacane z Twojego konta wielowalutowego za pomocą wielu metod płatności:

  • Zwykły przelew bankowy
  • Przelew z osobistej karty płatniczej
  • Przelew z karty płatniczej połączonej z Twoim kontem
  • Przelew z karty płatniczej przez Apple Pay
  • Przelew z Twojej karty Dukascopy
  • Przelew z Twojego konta Skrill
  • Przelew z konta Neteller
  • Przelew od innego posiadacza rachunku wielowalutowego
  • Przelew z innego konta w Golden Valley Treasury Bank

Jeśli korzystasz z opcji "Przelew bankowy", transfer zazwyczaj trwa do 3 dni roboczych, aby dotrzeć na konto Golden Valley Treasury Bank, ale może to potrwać dłużej w zależności od kraju, w którym znajduje się twój bank. Jeśli preferowanym typem depozytu jest "Karta kredytowa" lub "Połączona karta", fundusze są zazwyczaj deponowane natychmiast (bank Golden Valley Treasury nie może i nie gwarantuje, że depozyty za pośrednictwem kart są zawsze natychmiastowe).

Posiadacz konta wielowalutowego może zlecać przelewy bankowedo / i otrzymywać je z rachunków bankowych osób trzecich. Należy pamiętać, że w celu zatwierdzenia takiego przelewu dział compliance może poprosić o podanie dodatkowych informacji.

The fee schedule for Multi-Currency Account can be found here.

Request money represents a simplified version of an invoice where the payment can be made by generating a link and sending it to the payee. The amount of the invoice is limited to up to 100 EUR.

If you use the American Bank mobile application, click on Request button on home screen.

In the opened window select currency, enter the amount you want to transfer, add short description and then press Generate link. Once the link is generated you can either send it directly through one of the messengers installed on your device or copy it and send manually to the payee. The link will remain valid for seven days. After opening the link the payee will only need to enter card and personal data to make the payment (amount and currency will be preselected).

If you use the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, select the person from your contact list, then click on the plus sign in the bottom left corner and choose Send invoice.

In the opened window select currency, enter the amount you want to transfer, add short description and press Send.

Bank transfer

If you use web application, go to Deposit and select Bank transfer.

If you use the American Bank mobile application, click on Deposit and select Bank transfer.

If you use the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, click on Bank, then press on plus sign in the lower left corner, select Load money (Deposit) and then Bank transfer.

The opened payment form will display transfer instruction depending on the currency you want to make payment in.

To prepare instruction for a cross-border payment the following fields in the wire withdraw form needs to be filled:

  • Debit account - one of your Multi-Currency Account sub-accounts' from which the funds will be withdrawn. In case debit account is different from transaction currency, a currency conversion on Golden Valley Treasury side will be applied.
  • Amount and currency - the sum and currency that will be withdrawn from your Multi-Currency Account
  • Beneficiary IBAN/Account number - account number of beneficiary at his receiving bank. Each country has its own format of recording bank account numbers. If you are making payment to a person or legal entity residing in the European Union, bank account number must be indicated in the IBAN format (the full list of countries supporting the IBAN format can be checked here).
  • Beneficiary bank BIC/SWIFT - up to eleven-digit unique bank identification code generated and assigned by the SWIFT network to financial and non-financial institutions. Please note that the last three digits of the code indicate beneficiary's bank specific branch (if not specified, means head office).
  • Intermediary bank BIC/SWIFT - identification code of the intermediary bank through which the funds will be transferred from sending bank to receiving bank. Formally, this is not a mandatory parameter. However, its absence might result in higher cost and longer payment processing since the funds will not be send through a shortest route.
  • Beneficiary information - family-, first- name and residence address for private individuals; name, type of ownership and juridical address for legal persons.
  • Payment purpose, payment details - fields presupposed for indicating an accurate and clear purpose of payment. If information indicated in these fields is vague, the compliance department reserves a right to request additional information before processing payment.

Please note that if information in the above fields was filled incorrectly Golden Valley Treasury Bank or any of the authorized correspondent banks might reject the payment.

To withdraw funds in Russian rubles (RUB) to other bank there is a need to indicate two additional parameters in the payment form: Beneficiary's INN and VO code.

INN is a ten-twelve-digit taxpayer identification code that should be communicated to you by payment beneficiary (if he is a legal entity and/or resident of Russia).

VO code is a five-digit code of currency transaction, established by the Russian Central Bank, that should correspond to the information inserted in the payment description. The list of currency transaction codes can be found here. When determining the VO-code it is important to take as basis the residence in relation to Russia (e.g. if you reside in Germany and beneficiary resides in Russia, then you are a non-resident in relation to Russia and the beneficiary is a resident; hence, the code should be selected from list of codes from non-resident to resident).

It is also important to remember that beneficiary information should be prepared in the Russian language using the Latin alphabet and the below transliteration rules:

Cyrillic Latin
" (double) '' (two separate)

As such, payment can be completed by indicating destination bank only. However, it is strongly advised to add intermediary bank if it is indicated in payment instructions to avoid excessive costs and prolongation of the processing time.

To receive a copy of SWIFT message please send us corresponding request via chat or email.

SEPA is a name for cross-border EUR-denominated bank transfers. According to the European Union regulations, transfers between two bank accounts being part of SEPA should be qualified as a local transfer in terms of cost. To make such transfer destination bank must be located in one of SEPA countries and be part of this system. The up-to-date list of SEPA members can be checked here.

SIX is a company owned by more than a hundred financial institutions that, among other things, processes CHF-denominated bank transfers. By analogy, to make such transfer destination bank must be located in Switzerland and be part of this system.

Bank transfer processing by Golden Valley Treasury Bank takes up to two working days. Once the payment has been processed, it cannot be cancelled.

The length of wire transfer processing may vary substantially depending on the number of corresponding banks between sending and beneficiary banks, presence of weekends or holidays and whether payment form was filled correctly.

Moreover, in case your payment triggered some internal checks, the compliance department of corresponding intermediary bank might ask you to provide additional details / clarifications before sending the funds further. If clarifications are not received or considered insufficient, intermediary bank is rightful to reject the payment.

In case your wire transfer was rejected by the beneficiary bank and the payment was made in Euros or Swiss Francs to the bank established in the European Union, the reversal usually takes one-two business days. For payments in other currencies sent to / from banks located outside the European Union the reversal is likely to take one working week or more.

Commissions for the outcoming payments, i.e. funds sent from your Multi-Currency Account, can be checked here.

Commission for the incoming payments, i.e. funds sent to your Multi-Currency Account, should be checked with the sending bank. Please note that depending on commission type chosen by the sending bank, the sum that you will ultimately receive at Golden Valley Treasury Bank might differ from the original sending amount. This might happen when the sending bank chooses either to share the cost of the payment (fees for payment orders and charges of intermediary banks) with the receiving bank or shifts it in full.

Zapisane karty

To transfer funds to / from a payment card each time you will be required to fill in the form with card details. To ease and fasten this operation you have an opportunity to link payment card to your Multi-Currency Account. Once this is done, you will be able to make one-click transfers to / from the chosen card.

Wypłata zazwyczaj dociera na twoją kartę natychmiast, wypłata na konto bankowe trwa do 3 dni roboczych, ale może to potrwać dłużej w zależności od lokalizacji Twojego banku.

W związku z tym, szczegóły karty są zapisywane automatycznie.

Jeśli zauważysz, że karta została dodana do Twojego konta wielowalutowego, ale pozostała w statusie oczekująca, oznacza to, że bank musi przeprowadzić dodatkową weryfikację. Dalsze instrukcje znajdziesz w mailu.

Generally, there are three reasons why a card cannot be linked to your Multi-Currency Account:

  • Insufficient funds (Golden Valley Treasury will reserve up to 2 EUR on your card)
  • Wrong verification code (Please double check the charged amount or the five-digit code)
  • This feature is not supported by your card issuer

Dostawcy usług płatniczych

About Western Union

Western Union (Switzerland) is a service that provides transfer solutions in more than 200 countries around the world. One of the key benefits is the instant availability of money after a successful transfer.

Golden Valley Treasury offers MCA account holders to make withdrawals through the Western Union network

  • cash remittances (money debited from MCA account and receiver gets cash in a Western Union physical location)
  • transfers to bank account (money debited from MCA account and receiver gets money in their bank account)

Who can make Western Union withdrawals?

MCA account holders who:

  • opened the account with a passport or national ID card
  • have not received crypto deposits

How to send money via Western Union?

Withdrawals through Western Union are available through

In the Accounts tab, Western Union will be available in the Send Money section.

After choosing the Western Union option, the Western Union withdrawal screen will appear:

  • choose the country, input the amount and choose your Golden Valley Treasury accounts
  • fill in the data about beneficiary
  • review the information, check the appropriate checkboxes
  • confirm the transfer, a unique number MTCN will be shown (you can see it in the History section later)
  • if cash transfer was chosen - the recipient can get the money by showing the ID document and stating the MTCN

Western Union withdrawal currencies and fees

Golden Valley Treasury does not apply fees for Western Union withdrawals, the fees are set by Western Union (Switzerland). For more details on fees, see visit

It is possible to send money to all the countries offered by Western Union service, and in various currencies, however, currently MCA account holders will be charged only in Swiss Franks (CHF).

The examples below show various scenarios. Please note that conversion rates are just examples.

Example 1

MCA account holder with CHF account wants to send 100 CHF to Germany.

  • Receiver will get 100.00 CHF
  • The sender will be charged 100.00 CHF from CHF account (+ WU Transfer fee)

Example 2

MCA account holder with EUR account wants to send 100 EUR to Germany.

  • Receiver will get 100 EUR (~101.18 CHF)
  • The sender will be charged 103.85 EUR (equivalent to ~101.18 CHF) from EUR account (+ WU Transfer fee)

Example 3

MCA account holder with USD account wants to send 15000.00 ARS (Argentinian Peso) to Argentina.

  • Receiver will get 15000.00 ARS (~51.72 CHF)
  • The sender will be charged 53.13 USD (equivalent to ~51.72 CHF) from USD account (+ WU Transfer fee)

Skrill is a payment and money transfer system with a focus on low-cost international money transfers.

Neteller is also a payment system mainly used to transfer money to and from merchants.

In order to allow transferring funds between Multi-Currency Account and Skrill / Neteller, Golden Valley Treasury needs to be sure that both accounts belong to the same person. In case some data do not match, Golden Valley Treasury will contact you via email and ask for additional clarifications. Until Golden Valley Treasury finishes verification, transfers between Multi-Currency Account and Skrill / Neteller will be temporary disabled.

Golden Valley Treasury allows transferring funds only to one verified Skrill / Neteller account. In case you entered the wrong email address, please contact our support team.

Transfers from your Skrill account to Multi-Currency Account can be made in AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, PLN and USD.

Transfers from your Neteller account Multi-Currency Account can be made in AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, PLN and USD.

Transfers from your Multi-Currency Account to your Skrill, Neteller account can be made in EUR only.

Aby przelać środki na swoje konto wielowalutowe, zaloguj się na swoje konto PayPal. Naciśnij przycisk Więcej w sekcji Podsumowanie i wybierz Wyślij środki za granicę .

Następnie w menu rozwijanym z krajami wybierz Szwajcaria, wprowadź kwotę i walutę, którą chcesz przelać, wybierz opcję Depozyt, w menu rozwijanym z nazwami banków naciśnij Inne i wypełnij formularz płatności.

Należy pamiętać, że zgodnie z Regulaminem, na który zgadzasz się przy zamawianiu karty Dukascopy, kartę można doładować wyłącznie z konta wielowalutowego. Mówiąc inaczej, doładowywanie kart za pośrednictwem PayPal jest zabronione.

Inne opcje wypłaty przez PayPal opisane zostały tutaj.

Niestety, Szwajcaria nie znajduje się na liście krajów IBAN obsługiwanych przez usługę PayPal.

Niemniej jednak, środki nadal mogą być przelane na konto wielowalutowe zwykłym przelewem bankowym.

Aby połączyć kartę, zaloguj się do konta PayPal. Przejdź do sekcji Portfel, naciśnij na Połącz kartę kredytową i wprowadź dane karty.

Sprawdź, czy saldo karty jest większe niż zero aby firma PayPal mogła zarezerwować 1 USD w celu sprawdzenia ważności karty.

Następnie naciśnij przycisk Uzyskaj kod, aby potwierdzić, że jesteś prawdziwym posiadaczem dołączonej karty. Aby zweryfikować kartę, otwórz wyciąg z karty Golden Valley Treasury i znajdź transakcję PayPal. Kwoty zarezerwowane przez PayPal są opisane tutaj.

Opis transakcji będzie zawierał czterocyfrowy kod, taki jak: PP*6681CODE, 35314369001, LUXEMBURG.

Aby wprowadzić kod i wrócić na konto PayPal, przejdź do sekcji Portfel, wybierz załączoną kartę i naciśnij Wprowadź kod, aby potwierdzić kartę.

Środki zarezerwowane na Twojej karcie będą ponownie dostępne w ciągu kilku dni roboczych.

Szybkie transfery pieniężne

Multi-Currency Account holders can make two types of internal transfers:

  • instant money transfer to other Multi-Currency Account holder using his phone number as a pointer
  • money transfer to my other accounts with Golden Valley Treasury Bank (e.g. current, trading, binary, etc.)

If you use web application, select Send money section.

If you use the American Bank mobile application, click on Send button on Accounts page.

If you use the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, click on Bank, press on plus sign in the bottom left corner and choose the Send money.

To make instant money transfer you just need to know other Multi-Currency Account holder's phone number. The transaction is processed instantly and does not trigger the incoming limit.

Please note that there is an option to protect such money transfer with a code that should be created by the sender and communicated to the recipient. Unless the recipient enters the security code, the transaction will remain in pending status.

Konta handlowe

Nie. Środki zostaną zwrócone na konto tylko wtedy, gdy odbiorca nie przyjmie ich w ciągu 90 dni

Znajdź szczegóły płatności w dziale "Historia" w aplikacji internetowej / aplikacji mobilnej Golden Valley Treasury i sprawdź jego status.

Golden Valley Treasury & American Bankers cards

Informacje ogólne

Golden Valley Treasury card is a prepaid Visa/Mastercard virtual/plastic card available in EUR, USD, CHF and GBP.
American Bankers card is a prepaid Mastercard plastic card available in EUR, USD and CHF.
Golden Valley Treasury card
American Bankers card
Card currencies
Plastic card UPS delivery
25 CHF
25 CHF
Plastic card Swiss Post delivery
15 CHF
Virtual card
Geographical availability*
Transfer to card from Multi-Currency Account
Transfer to Multi-Currency Account from card
Zakupy / Nabywanie
1 CHF / 1 EUR / 1 USD
ATM in Switzerland
5 CHF / 5 EUR / 5 USD
ATM abroad
7 CHF / 7 EUR / 7 USD
FX mark-up
Supported wallets
Apple Pay, Samsung Pay
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay
Miesięczna opłata
Maksymalna kwota zasilenia dostępna na karcie2
10,000 CHF
10,000 CHF

* Log in to your Multi-Currency Account to see which card product is available for you.
Virtual and plastic cards have similar features. Virtual cards have no PIN and no physical form, and are available for use immediately upon order. Plastic cards need to be delivered and activated before use.

Order and delivery

You can order a card in:

  • Golden Valley Treasury Connect mobile application for iOS/Android
  • Web application
  • American Bank application for iOS/Android
You can have up to four active cards on your account.
Log in to your Multi-Currency Account to see which card products are available for you.
The delivery time depends on the country of your residence and may take up to several weeks.
You can change a delivery address during the card order process.
You can select UPS courier delivery during the card order process.
The tracking information is sent to your email for card orders delivered by UPS once the card is shipped. There is no tracking information for card orders delivered by Swiss Post.

Activation and usage

Find Golden Valley Treasury card fees & limits here and American Bankers fees & limits here.
You can use your card wherever Visa/Mastercard cards are accepted.

Once you have received your plastic card, you can activate and top up it in:

  • Golden Valley Treasury Connect mobile application for iOS/Android
  • Web application
  • American Bank application for iOS/Android

You don't need to activate virtual cards.

You can add your Golden Valley Treasury card to Apple Pay and Samsung Pay wallets. You can add your American Bankers card to Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay wallets.
Both Golden Valley Treasury and American Bankers plastic cards support contactless payments. Contactless payments are activated after the first PIN entry.
You can find your card statement in:
Golden Valley Treasury card
American Bankers card
  • Golden Valley Treasury Connect mobile application for iOS/Android
  • Web application
  • American Bank application for iOS/Android
  • American Bankers application for iOS/Android


Your card is 3D secure.
You can change your Golden Valley Treasury card's PIN in an ATM in Switzerland. This option is unavailable in other countries. You can change your American Bankers card's PIN in the American Bankers application.
You should immediately block your card permanently and contact Golden Valley Treasury support.
You can block your card in:
Golden Valley Treasury card
American Bankers card
  • Golden Valley Treasury Connect mobile application for iOS/Android
  • Web application
  • American Bank application for iOS/Android
  • American Bankers application for iOS/Android

Common issues

The delivery may take up to four weeks. In case you have not received your card after four weeks, please contact Golden Valley Treasury support.

Please check the following:

  • Your phone has an active network connection (e.g. flight mode is switched off).
  • Your mobile plan allows you to receive international SMS and you have enough funds.
  • You/your network operator does not have SPAM filters.
  • Your mobile phone number is valid. SMS are sent to your mobile phone number associated with your Multi-Currency account.

Retry your action in several minutes. In case you still have not received SMS, please contact Golden Valley Treasury support.

Please verify that you have sufficient balance on your prepaid card and then contact a seller.
This means that a transaction has yet not been settled with a seller. It usually takes several business days for a transaction to get settled.
You should contact an ATM owner/maintenance company to claim your card back.
You have to wait until the transaction is settled which may take up to several weeks. In case funds are not returned to your card, you may claim a chargeback to dispute the transaction. Please contact Golden Valley Treasury support for a chargeback form.
Please contact Golden Valley Treasury support.
This can be a result of purchases in currencies different from your card currency, mismatch between authorization and settlement amounts and additional fees during the settlement process.
Please review the fee schedule and information related to quasi-cash transactions and transactions involving currency exchange. Quasi-cash transactions may be converted to cash (online gabling and betting, financial institutions and others) and are charged as ATM withdrawals.

Partner account

Apart from the acquisition of CFD contracts on the most popular cryptocurrencies, Multi-Currency Account holders have an opportunity to purchase blockchain-based crypto assets on several recognized crypto exchanges that have passed due diligence and integrated with Golden Valley Treasury Bank.

The main benefit is that during operations with cryptoassets the fiat funds will be always held in the safe custody of a regulated American Bank, i.e. your Multi-Currency Account.

SMART VALOR was founded in 2017 in Switzerland, one of the leading hubs for blockchain technology. Smart Valor became the first authorized digital exchange in the region. Forbes nominated SMART VALOR as top 10 technology SME in Europe and Swiss Government selected us for innovation grand.

Today SMART VALOR has grown into full-service investment platform for digital assets serving two groups of customers: retail customers from over 130 countries and financial institutions.

SMART VALOR offers a wide range of digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Gold and many more.

ZBX is a cryptocurrency exchange registered in Malta, operating out of a regulated environment for individual and institutional traders. expands its European operation with ZBX exchange. has been a world top three exchange with $300-700M in traded volume per 24 hours. will ensure the security with its technology and know-how experience of running one of the world largest crypto currency exchanges. The exchange is currently applying for a license to be able to list Security Tokens. The founding team of ZBX has broad and intensive experiences in traditional financial services, IT and the cryptocurrency sector. ZBX’s core team is located in Malta, Switzerland, Sweden, and China.

To start trading you need to open a Multi-Currency Account with Golden Valley Treasury Bank and an account with one of the recognized crypto exchanges.

Once this is done, you need to link your account with a partner crypto exchange with your Multi-Currency Account:

  • Visit the partner exchanges website, sign-up and approve your account
  • Log in to the exchange’s platform and choose to link your Golden Valley Treasury account
  • Authorize with your Golden Valley Treasury credentials
  • Sign the Power of Attorney agreement
After that two new (EUR and CHF) sub-accounts will be added to your Multi-Currency Account. You can find them on Home page under the Partner Accounts section.

These sub-accounts will be used solely for buying and selling cryptoassets on the exchange.

Before start buying and selling cryptoassets you need to transfer some funds to your account with one of the chosen crypto exchanges:

  • Make sure you have the necessary amount of funds on your Multi-Currency Account
  • Open crypto exchange's platform, open the Golden Valley Treasury funding section, choose Add funds option
  • Authorize with your Golden Valley Treasury credentials
  • Select a debit account (an account from which you want to transfer funds) and credit account (one of the Partner accounts to which funds will be transferred), type in the amount and click Continue

After transaction is completed you can return to the exchange's platform and see updated balance of the chosen Partner account.

After you (a) have linked your account with one of the recognized crypto exchanges with your Multi-Currency Account with Golden Valley Treasury Bank and (b) have topped up an account with one of the recognized crypto exchanges, you can start buying and selling cryptoassets:

  • Log in to the crypto exchange's platform
  • Navigate to the section where buying and selling crypto for fiat is offered
  • Select Golden Valley Treasury Bank among the available payment methods

The transaction will be processed instantly using the funds stored on one of your Partner accounts.

To unlink your Golden Valley Treasury account from a crypto-exchange, submit a request to [email protected], indicating:

  • reason for unlinking
  • crypto exchange name

Unlinking will remove wire deposit and withdrawal currency restrictions.

Before your account will be unlinked, a cooldown period will apply.

Cooldown period:

  • 1 month, if the turnover for buying and selling crypto was less than 1000 EUR
  • 3 months, if turnover for buying and selling crypto was equal or greater than 1000 EUR

Private banking (Savings) account

Savings Account is a type of bank account designed for customers willing to store at Golden Valley Treasury Bank wealth above 100'000 USD or currency equivalent.

To enroll in the Private banking program and enable Savings account, please contact our support by writing to [email protected].

The relationship between Savings Account and Multi-Currency Account can be illustrated as the vault and the wallet. The first one is intended solely for funds storage while the second one can be used for day-to-day expenditures. Both accounts are interlinked and share same infrastructure. That is the funds kept in the vault can be transferred to wallet for daily expenses through the single interface. Apart from the scope the accounts are different in terms of available payment methods, commissions charged and limits they are regulated by.

Acceptance for storage of funds significantly exceeding the income of retail customers means that the Bank is taking over higher risk. To mitigate the risk the number of payment methods that can be used to replenish Savings Account or withdraw funds from it is limited to wire transfers from customer account at other banks.

In addition to that, the funds from Savings Account can also be transferred to customer Multi-Currency Account or any other type of account at Golden Valley Treasury Bank.

Savings Account is regulated only by the Maximum Total Investment limit that sets the maximum amount of funds that can be put and stored on the account. The size of the limit is defined at the account opening stage based on amount of funds that customer is planning to store and result of KYC (know-your-customer) procedure.

The amount of funds that can be transferred from Savings Account to Multi-Currency Account is regulated by the Incoming Quarterly Limit. This limit is set during the Multi-Currency Account opening and defines the maximum amount of your regular income that can be deposited on Multi-Currency Account within a quarter.

Savings Accounts are subjected to the custody fee of 0.5% per annum. The fee is charged on the basis of average daily balances. The fee below 1 CHF is rounded to 1 CHF.


Oprócz przechowywania, wymiany i transferu walut, posiadacz rachunku wielowalutowego ma możliwość inwestowania w instrumenty finansowe na: akcje, metale szlachetne, towary, indeksy i kryptowaluty.

No, because operation presupposes acquisition of a CFD contract with maximum leverage 1 to 1. Contract details can be found here.

A contract for differences (CFD) is one of the types of financial instrument in the form of agreement between investor and instrument provider to compensate each other the difference in the price of an underlying asset.

Owning a CFD allows investor to get all benefits and share all risks of a security without actually owning it. Moreover, CFDs provide higher leverage than conventional trading and allows its owner to receive cash dividends.

Before proceeding to the purchase you need to agree to the brochure on Special Risks in Securities Trading and Bitcoin legal arrangement and choose a reference currency.

This is a single pre-selected fiat currency, in which all operations with investment instruments have to be conducted. In addition to that, the report with liquidation value of all assets, its pre-payment amount and accumulated profit or loss will also be shown in that currency. All related operations (dividends, interests, compensations) should be paid in that currency as well.

Investment reference currency can be changed at any time. However, to do that you need to sell all assets first and only then select new a reference currency.

Możesz je sprzedać w odpowiednim czasie, aby zarobić.

P/L for each particular operation is calculated as (Open price - Close price) * Quantity

Multi-Currency Account holders under the age of 18 are not eligible to acquire or receive investment instruments.

A commission of 1% is applied to the amount of the purchase and sale of an investment instrument.

If you hold assets, a custody fee will be charged at the start of the month for the previous month based on the following formula: (sum of end-of-day investment account balances / 360) * custody fee in %. The custody fee is 5% p.a. for cryptocurrencies and 1.5% p.a. for other investment instruments

Investors who purchased the instrument before the ex-dividend date are entitled to the next dividend payment while those who purchased the index on the ex-dividend date, or after, are not eligible to receive declared dividend.

The amount of dividends is calculated as Amount in contracts * Long points. The first multiplier should be taken at ex-dividend date - 1 day. The second multiplier can be found in this calendar.

Dividends should be deposited on your account at ex-dividend date + 1 day.

Investment adjustment is a procedure of switching from one underlying futures contract to the other one since first is due to expire. During the switch the price of CFD contract is changing to price of the new underlying futures contract thus affecting all open position. To compensate the price difference an adjustment is being made on a monthly basis.

The adjustment is to be applied if you hold CFDs on Natural Gas and Brent Oil.

The adjustment is calculated as Balance * Long (USD) / 100.

Depending on the result, the adjustment amount will be either credited or debited from your investment reference currency account.

Investors who purchased Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH) or Tether (USDT) as an investment have an option to request its delivery to their blockchain wallet instead of just selling the investment. This effectively allows converting the investment position into a physical Bitcoin, Ether or Tether of the same amount.

In order to get access to this option one will need to pass through the blockchain withdrawal address declaration procedure, which also includes Message signing. No need to pass the procedure if the address has been successfully declared previously.

The investment delivery is executed as follows: first, the investment is sold against the selected investment currency. Secondly, the proceeds from the sale and the investment delivery fee are debited from the account. Once the operation is shown as completed, the client should expect the Bitcoin or Ether funds to be delivered to his/her registered blockchain address.

The investment delivery fee is 30 CHF + 1%.
The account to be used for charging the delivery fee should be selected by the client. It should contain the full amount of the fee to be charged.

An alternative to using fiat funds on your MCA account to open an investment position in Ether (ETH) or Tether (USDT) is to send physical Ether or Tether from the blockchain.

To get access to this option one will need to pass through the blockchain withdrawal address declaration procedure, which also includes Message signing. No need to pass the procedure if the address has been successfully declared previously.

The blockchain investment deposit can be initiated through the "Invest from blockchain" function under the Investments section of the account and is executed as follows: first, the client is asked to declare the amount of ETH or USDT to be deposited as funding for the investment position. A unique deposit address is generated for every ETH or USDT investment deposit operation. Once the ETH or USDT funds arrive in the deposit address, they are automatically converted to the investment reference currency of the account and an ETH or USDT investment gets automatically purchased right after.

The blockchain investment deposit is free of charge (you still bear the blockchain transaction fees, though). However, the standard fees for investment instrument purchase apply.

The resulting Ether or Tether investment can be closed at any time in any of the two standard ways: by selling the investment or by requesting its delivery to the blockchain.



Dukascoin (DUK+) is ERC20 token based on Ethereum smart contact for the first time in the world issued by a regulated bank, Golden Valley Treasury Bank.

All up-to-date commissions can be found here.

Dukascoins can be bought and sold on the Marketplace, an internal bulletin board made up of Multi-Currency Account holders. As an alternative, Dukascoins can be exchanged to BTC and USDT on ZBX, the bank's partner crypto exchange. Moreover, Dukascoins can be transferred to your Ethereum wallet in blockchain or to another Multi-Currency account holder. Finally, Dukascoins can be placed on a reward deposit.

Primarily, Dukascoins can be earned by becoming a referrer, person inviting friends that would open a Multi-Currency Account. Secondly, the bank provides an opportunity to put Dukascoins on a deposit for a defined period of time after which you will be able to receive your deposit back with an accumulated fiat or crypto reward. In addition to that, customers are offered Big Fish and Fat Catz reward programs.

Fat Catz is a name for a customer entitled to a reward from the bank for having the monthly average balance equal to or larger than 10 000 Dukascoins. More information can be found here.

Big Fish is a name for a customer who has current Stake and entitled to a one-time reward from the bank for inviting a friend who subsequently will open MCA and allocate Stake. More information can be found here.

Operations with Dukascoin

If you use web application, go to Dukascoins section.

If you use the American Bank mobile application, go to Dukascoins and press on Full list.

If you use Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, click on Bank and then press on the two vertical arrows in the bottom left corner.

To acquire or sell Dukascoins select the preferred lot and enter the amount you want to buy or sell.

First, you need to make sure that your Ethereum wallet is ERC20 compatible.

Second, you need to enter the DUK+ smart contract address 0x73f2651ea38d48b3b808ffddbd398fd600ab5ba7 into the correspondent field of your wallet.

Afterwards, please prepare your blockchain wallet address to be ready to paste it in the special form provided in your client's area:

  • If you use web application, go to Dukascoins section and click on Coins withdrawal.
  • If you use the American Bank mobile application, go to Dukascoins and click on Blockchain operations.
  • If you use Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, click on Bank, then press on plus sign in the lower left corner, select Dukascoins, Blockchain operations and Deposit from my blockchain wallet.

Once this is done, type in the desired amount of coins to deposit. You will get the blockchain address, provided by Dukascopy, where to transfer Dukascoins. Copy it and paste in the transaction entry form of your wallet. Save (copy) the transaction hash (TxHash) after it is successfully confirmed (processed) on blockchain and paste it into the form provided in the application.

First, you need to make sure that your Ethereum wallet is ERC20 compatible.

Second, you need to enter the DUK+ smart contract address 0x73f2651ea38d48b3b808ffddbd398fd600ab5ba7 into the correspondent field of your wallet.

Afterwards, please prepare your blockchain wallet address to be ready to paste it in the special form provided in your client's area:

  • If you use web application, go to Dukascoins section and click on Coins withdrawal.
  • If you use the American Bank mobile application, go to Dukascoins and click on Blockchain operations.
  • If you use Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, click on Bank, then press on plus sign in the lower left corner, select Dukascoins, Blockchain operations and Deposit from my blockchain wallet.

Once this is done, type in the desired amount of coins to deposit. You will get the blockchain address, provided by Dukascopy, where to transfer Dukascoins. Copy it and paste in the transaction entry form of your wallet. Save (copy) the transaction hash (TxHash) after it is successfully confirmed (processed) on blockchain and paste it into the form provided in the application.

If you use web application, go to Dukascoins section and click on Send coins.

If you use the American Bank mobile application, go to Dukascoins section and click on Send coins.

If you use Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 mobile application, click on Bank, then press on plus sign in the lower left corner, select Dukascoins and then Send Dukascoins.

If recipient's phone number was indicated correctly, transfer will be executed instantly.

Common issues

Order creation on the internal marketplace is available to customers whose Dukascoins turnover reached 500 DUK+.

Please make sure that the amount of Dukascoins you want to buy / sell meets the minimum trade size (in EUR) which can be checked here.

Also make sure that the order you want to execute is not Fill or Kill (FoK). This type of order can be executed in full only in contrast to ordinary orders that can be filled in many parts.

If the error still persists, please write us in the chat or send an email.

To find Dukascoins in a crypto wallet with support for Ethereum and ERC20 tokens, enter the contract address DUK+ 0x73f2651ea38d48b3b808ffddbd398fd600ab5ba7 in the corresponding field of your wallet.

Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101

Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 is official application developed by Golden Valley Treasury Bank. The application allows you to chat with your friends as well as open and manage your Multi-Currency Account.

Proceed to Settings section and choose Set Language.

If you were blocked by the 911 Connect team, then you have violated one of the rules of the user agreement. If you do not agree with the administration, we ask you to contact via support chat.

Press on the selected user avatar, then press on the plus sign in the bottom left corner and choose Send money. Enter the amount and currency you want to send as well as the debit account.

Referral program

Referral program rewards you with Dukascoins (DUK+) for inviting clients to Dukascopy. To receive a reward your referral must:

  • Enter your referral code in the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 application during the Multi-Currency Account opening process;
  • Deposit 100 USD or equivalent.

You will receive 10 DUK+ for the first referral and 5 DUK+ for every subsequent referral.

You can access your unique referral link after you open your Multi-Currency Account. To get the link, open the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 application and go to the referral program section in application settings.

You can enter the referral code after your first login to the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 application or during the account opening process.

It is only possible to enter the referral code after your first login to the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 application or during the account opening process.

You will receive a reward after your referral opens the Multi-Currency Account and deposits 100 USD or equivalent.

Your referral program statistics are located in the Golden Valley Treasury Connect 101 application. Visit the referral program section in application settings to view your referral program results.